Friday, October 12, 2007

Reminder and New Class--Rape Avoidance


Just a reminder...on Monday the prices for Sisters in Crime's Forensic University, Nov. 1 through 4, at the Hilton St. Louis Airport, go up $50.

So, if you are planning to attend, please be sure to get your registration in before the end of the day!

The price schedule is below:

$250 (before 10/15/07) SinC member
$290 (before 10/15/07) Non-member
$300 (after 10/15/07) SinC member
$350 (after 10/15/07) Non-member
To register go to:

We've added two RAD sessions to the conference. Check it out--

Rape/Aggression Defense Training (RAD)

This will be a sample of a longer program, focusing on escape techniques and safety awareness. As most of you know, you should NEVER allow an assailant to get you into a car and take you to a secondary location. So, how do you avoid being forced into a vehicle or behind a building or into a secluded area? Executive Defense Technologies will share with you indicators of danger and some specific techniques for escape. These techniques are especially useful for your characters—but even more importantly, the skills you learn in this mini-workshop may SAVE YOUR LIFE. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes if you wish to participate. The Elliotts have 17-years experience in law enforcement, and this training is part of a nationally accredited program. The Elliotts will also have with them a variety of safety equipment you can purchase.

Thanks! And if you have any questions, email us at

Joanna Campbell Slan

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